Pilot Information
This page contains basic information about our airfield for pilots travelling to Elizabethtown. This page is for reference only. Refer to your official aviation charts and publications for up to date information.
Information about services available at the Elizabethtown Airport itself can be found by visiting the FBO Ground Services or Aircraft Maintenance and Avionics areas.
Elizabethtown AWOS is live and accessible online at: EKX AWOS DISPLAY
Field |
Identifier | KEKX |
Lat/Long | 37°41.16'N, 85°55.50'W |
Elevation | 776 ft. |
Runway 5/23 |
Length | 6001 ft. |
Width | 100 ft. |
Surface | Asphalt |
Weight Limits | 50,000 lbs SWL 77,000 lbs DWL PCN: 21 F/C/X/T |
Lighting | MIRL (PCL; Low, Med, Hi) REILs (PCL; Hi Only) PAPIs (Continuous) Rotating Beacon (Dusk-Dawn) |
Radio |
Unicom & CTAF | 123.075 |
Clearance Delivery | 119.45 (Louisville Clearance) |
Approach Control | 132.07 (Louisville Approach) |
AWOS-III Weather | 121.02 (Tel:270-763-6433) |
Navigation |
New Hope VOR (EWO, 113.95) | 285 radial and 12 nautical miles |
Mystic VOR (MYS, 108.20) | 126 radial and 19 nautical miles |
Louisville VOR (IIU, 114.80) | 212 radial and 30 nautical miles |
Bowling Green VOR (BWG, 117.9) | 026 radial and 51 nautical miles |
Instrument Approaches |
Charting Information |
Sectional: St. Louis High-Alt: H-5 |