Elizabethtown Flying Service, Inc.

Contact Us



Call us anytime during business hours, at (270) 737-8388.

For emergency after hours service (A call-out fee will apply): (270) 766-8420 or (270) 766-8422

For line services, billing, and general information, contact Anne Lawson, Office Manager: customerservice@flyekx.com

For maintenance inquiries, you may contact Kenn Lawson, Assistant Manager: kenn@flyekx.com.  For parts sales and inquiries, contact parts manager Emil Dular: parts@flyekx.com. For more information about avionics services, please contact Jeff Lawson, Avionics Manager: jeff@flyekx.com.

You may reach General Manager and Elizabethtown Regional Airport Manager Roger Lawson roger@flyekx.com


Physical address:

Elizabethtown Flying Service, Inc.
1828 Kitty Hawk Drive
Elizabethtown KY 42701-8752


Mailing address:

Elizabethtown Flying Service, Inc.
P. O. Box 175
Elizabethtown KY 42702-0175